Books & Coffee

As a lifelong reader and decades deep caffeine lover, I am firm believer in the power of books and coffee. It is more than a sum of its parts; it is a lifestyle, a magical symbiosis, a manifestation of tao.  

To celebrate this alchemical force, we created the Books & Coffee tote bag (fits a lot, top zipper, and inner pocket!) and some plush Books & Coffee sweatshirts. 20% of proceeds from these items will benefit the American Library Association’s Disaster Relief Fund that provides grants to rebuild damaged and destroyed libraries in the US and around the world (including the Palisades Public Library which recently burned down). Reading and critical thinking are more important than ever. Having a safe space and resources to encourage reading, literacy and community are crucial.

Hamnet by Maggie O'Farrell
This is a book about Shakespeare's son, who died at age eleven, during the second wave of the Black Death. I guess I would say it's a mediation on grief, on love, and a portrait of a witch and her personal, feminine magic. Shakespeare is not the focus of the book. Reading Hamnet feels like swimming in a stream, pulled along by the current through beautifully wrought scenes. It is spell binding and its ending pierced my core.  

The Green Bone Sage by Fonda Lee
A three book saga following a clan of martial arts warriors with powers amplified by jade and their battle to keep their family in power and their honor in act. If you loved the Godfather or the excellent Jacques Audiard film, A Prophet, you might enjoy this series. It's part Crouching Tiger, part gangster, but most importantly it's all about the warrior code. Where does family end and the self begin? What does it mean to wear jade? I love a book that shows you a way to live, suggests a set of values to live by, and the unpredictable exploration of discovering what you stand for.

The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas
This is a doozy, I'm not gonna lie. It's very long and was written in the 1840s but it is a banger and a classic for a reason. I re-read this book every few years. It's got drama, romance, and action. It is *the* ultimate tale of revenge and retribution, with a little redemption thrown in for good measure. It's a lot to sink your teeth into, but sometimes you want a hearty meal and this delivers.

Foster by Claire Keegan
The opposite of the Count of Monte Cristo in terms of length, this novella is a fast read but skillfully written and a thing of grace. It follows a young girl sent to live with strangers and her experiences with affection and care. Like most of Claire Keegan's work, this novella is poetic in its clear, sparse and moving artistry. My breath caught reading it and it stayed with me for quite a long time. Honestly, read anything by Claire Keegan.

Barbarian Days: A Surfing Life By William Finnegan
A memoir by the Pulitzer prize winning writer, spanning his childhood and lifetime obsession of chasing waves across the world. Finnegan is an acclaimed war reporter and writer for the New Yorker. This book is about much more than surfing and wave hunting. It is about adventure and spirit and discovery. I recognize the flame in Finnegan in many of the people I know, making this book feel intimate and familiar in a way I didn't expect. A great read for the non-fiction lovers.

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The Big Tote $15

Book & Coffee Sweatshirt $60

The Toasty from Mandarin Coffee in Pasadena 
Honestly I love all the drinks from Mandarin, but we'll start with the toasty. A combo of rooibos tea, brown sugar, espresso, cinammon and milk.  It's earthy, it's delicate, it's sweet, it's enchanting. Iced or hot, it's a dream.

Soosoo Latte from Harucake in Koreatown, Los Angeles
I love Harucake's version of corn coffee, popular in South Korea. It's a combo of sweet corn cream, oatmilk and espresso and tastes like gold. I'm planning to go to Korea in the Spring and will report back on all the corn coffees I try. This isn't a coffee I'll have every day, but some days you want a little sparkle. I'm cutting out sugar for the first quarter of 2025, but come Q2 I will be reunited with my beloved Harucake whose Chestnut confections and Injeolmi cake beckon to me in my dreams.

Strawberry Matcha from Forage in Silverlake, Los Angeles
I know matcha isn't coffee, but I probably drink as much, if not more, matcha than coffee. I could've called this update Books & Matcha, but I felt like matcha falls under the umbrella of Books & Coffee but not vice versa. The highlight of this drink is not the matcha but the perfect strawberry compote they use. It's not too sweet but bursting with flavor. Really inspired me to try to make at home. Will report back if you're interested. In fact, can try to get recipes for all of these drinks if the people want them. Just respond to this email to let me know and I'll do my best!

Little Nap Iced Latte Yoyogi Park, Tokyo
A tiny little coffee shop down a pleasant street on the Western edge of Yoyogi Park, Little Nap serves the best iced latte I have ever had. Maybe it was the milk? So sweet and creamy and refreshing. I don't know. Perfectly smooth, excellent milk to coffee to ice ratio. They also serve the best banana bread of my life, full of large moist banana chunks and a sugared crust. Less dense than the banana bread I find in the US, and not too sweet. If you're ever in Tokyo, don't miss this coffee.  It is a simple pleasure executed perfectly.

Thanks for tuning in!